Questions & Answers
- Online payment isn’t working? Here’s how to fix it.
- I cannot add a new room to my calendar. What should I do?
- How to increase the room limit on the Premium account?
- Why were amounts in the price list automatically reset (erased)?
- How can I resolve a problem with displaying reservations on the calendar?
- I added a reservation on one device, but on the other it did not show up. What to do?
- I can't close rooms at after choosing BedBooking as channel manager. What should I do?
- What happens when I deactivate the synchronization on my mobile application?
- Does BedBooking allow for booking a single bed in a room?
- How can I view tasks for past and future days?
- How can I add tasks to the task list?
- How can I add my own message template?
- Does BedBooking offer discount codes for guests?
- Does BedBooking allow hourly bookings?
- How can I print my booking calendar?
- A reservation conflict has occurred during data synchronization. What should I do?
- I can't change the number of people in a room. What should I do?
- I can't delete a room. What should I do?
- What is the difference between cancelled and deleted reservations?
- Can I purchase an additional Premium access period on a Premium account?
- Why has my payment for a Premium subscription been rejected by Google Play?
- How can I make comments or report errors concerning application performance?
- What can I do if I haven't received a VAT invoice for your Premium purchase.
- How can I resolve a problem with purchasing Premium access?
- How can I restore (retrieve) a deleted room?
- I can't log in. How can I resolve a problem with logging in?
- What language versions are supported on BedBooking?
- Can I add any number of rooms to my calendar?
- Why Can't I Connect My Property?
- Why are reservations made through the widget automatically canceled?