You can recover your password to BedBooking on the following applications:
- Android,
- iOS,
- Web.
How can I recover a password on an Android application:
1. Open the login window and click on "Forgot your password?".
2. In the "E-mail" field, enter your username (e-mail address) and click on "Send".
3. Open your e-mail account and find the e-mail sent from BedBooking.
If you can't find the e-mail sent from BedBooking in your inbox, check your SPAM folder.
How can I recover a password on an iOS application:
1. Open the login window and click on "Forgot your password?".
2. In the "E-mail" field, enter your username (e-mail address) and click on "Send".
3. Open your e-mail account and find the e-mail sent from BedBooking.
If you can't find the e-mail sent from BedBooking in your inbox, check your SPAM folder.
How can I recover my password on a Web application:
1. Go to:
2. Follow the instructions provided.