To integrate BedBooking with Airbnb, go through the integration setup in the BedBooking app.
Please note that you must have an Airbnb account with the properties you are renting on Airbnb created before integration.
1. Go to the menu BedBooking - Sales channels [1] - Airbnb [2].
2. Then read the information presented on the screen and express your consents [3].
3. Click: Connect to Airbnb [4].
4. After pressing it Connect to Airbnb, you will be redirected to the Airbnb portal.
In this step, you will need to log into Airbnb and allow your property to be shared with BedBooking. Once you have agreed, you will be taken back to the BedBooking app, to the next step of the integration, Room Linking.
To log out and finish sharing your data for BedBooking, click here.
2. Connecting rooms
The room linking window lists your rooms in the Airbnb portal. Next to each room is a green plus icon.
By pressing the green plus, you open the BedBooking room selection window for that Airbnb room. In this window you will find your BedBooking rooms that have not yet been linked to an Airbnb room. You can select one room and then confirm it with the Connect button.
We recommend that you link all your Airbnb rooms so that the synchronization includes your entire listing in the portal.
If the currency of your Airbnb room differs from the currency in your BedBooking Price list, the Airbnb currency will be automatically converted to the currency set in BedBooking.
By clicking the gray pencil icon next to the room, you can edit the Airbnb room settings. By pressing the red X, you can disconnect an Airbnb room from BedBooking which will make the room not sync.
To edit Airbnb room settings, see the article: 🎥 Konfiguracja połączenia Airbnb z BedBooking