🎥 Adding employee


1. To add an employee with rights to the BedBooking application, you must open the Main Menu and select the Employees tab:



2. The view of your employee list will be displayed. Click on the "+" button:



3. The permission configurator view is displayed. First, enter the employee's data in the individual fields (each field is described):

a. First name

b. Last Name

b. Email (Login of your employee to the application)

c. Phone


First Name, Surname, Email fields are mandatory fields. If they are not filled in, the employee will not be enrolled.


4. Then select a Role for the employee from the Role list:


a. Each role has default permissions assigned to it, which are automatically selected when the role is selected from the list (the exception is the Own role):


b. We can change each role at will by adding or subtracting permissions using sliders:

  • Access:


  • No access:

Brak dostępu EN.png

c. When you hover over the cursor in the web app or click on the "i" icon in the mobile app (Android, iOS), a brief description of the given entitlement will appear.

d. If you do not select a role from the list, the role Own will be set automatically.


5. Optionally, you can add a short note in the Notes field:


The character limit in the Notes field is 150.


6. When the employee configuration is complete, click on the "Save" button:



7. You will be automatically redirected to the employee list, where you will see a record showing that a new employee has been added to the system:



8. Your employee will receive an email to the Email address you provided (see point 3) with a link that will allow him to set his unique password:


The link to set the password is valid for 24 hours after it is sent.

a. After clicking on the Create a Password button, your employee will be redirected to the password assignment screen:

  • In the New password field, enter the password (must have at least 8 characters).
  • In the Repeat the password field, repeat the password you entered (must have at least 8 characters).
  • Click on the Save button.

You must accept BedBooking's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before clicking Save.





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