We try our best to resolve problems in our users' favour.
You can find instructions for making refunds on Google Play and the App Store below:
If you had at the same time:
- an active Premium subscription purchased on Google Play and
- active Premium access purchased outside Google Play for the same package (Web + Android App), send us the subscription's order number (GPA). We will be able to find and refund your payment with this number.
How can I find an order number (GPA) on Google Play?
Instructions are available on Google's website:
If you had at the same time:
- an active Premium subscription purchased on the App Store and
- active Premium access purchased outside the App Store for the same package (Web App + iOS App), please follow the instructions provided on Apple's website:
Unfortunately, Apple doesn't allow us to manage user payments. BedBooking doesn't have access to your order history. We are unable give refunds.