How often is data synchronization performed between and BedBooking?

The connection between and BedBooking ensures two-way data synchronization:

  • Export - sending information to occurs immediately after any changes are made in the BedBooking application related to a particular property, such as:
    • Adding a new reservation - manually, from the Reservation System, from Airbnb, or via iCalendar
    • Changing the date, cancelling or deleting a reservation, transferring a reservation to another room
    • Entering or editing prices and availability restrictions in the price list
  • Import - downloading reservations occurs every 1 minute

Remember that the connection is a functionality available in the Premium version of BedBooking. If your Premium account expires while using the connection, synchronization will be suspended. In this case, guests will not be able to make reservations on This ensures that there will be no overbooking caused by the inability to check availability. Renewing the Premium version of BedBooking will automatically resume data synchronization and enable booking through

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