Statistics is a BedBooking functionality that provides insight and analysis into the condition of your business. It is a flexible tool for making accurate decisions about your property. While remaining intuitive and easy to use, it allows you to efficiently adjust your offerings in dynamically changing times.
This functionality works well for smaller facilities where our users manage the facility themselves, as well as for larger facilities where managers need a tool, such as to create quarterly summaries of business health.
Data from your BedBooking calendar allows you to create charts, calculate important indicators or compare them against previous seasons. Statistics gain with time of use of BedBooking, as they are based on data from your BedBooking calendar. The longer your booking history is, the more in-depth analysis you can create of your property.
The statistics consist of two parts:
- Time period and room selection panel
It is used to select the period and rooms for which you want to see statistics. You can also select a comparative period, so you can see how your facility has changed relative to previous months or years. - Statistics Modules
It contains various charts or key business indicators that you can analyze. In these modules, you will also find some tips on how you can read some of the values presented
If you have any questions about the Statistics module, please feel free to contact our Help Desk -