The BedBooking and Airbnb integration allows you to manage your taxes from the BedBooking panel.
To enter the Airbnb room editing window, where you can configure the prices, go to Menu -> Integrations -> Airbnb.
If you are logged in to Airbnb in the BedBooking application, you will have access to the Connecting rooms window.
In this window, you can open the Airbnb room edit while merging rooms by clicking on the Green Plus icon and selecting an Airbnb room.
If an Airbnb room is already connected to a room in BedBooking, you can open the Airbnb room editing window by clicking on the Gray Pencil icon.
The third tab in the Airbnb room edit window is the Taxes tab.
It is responsible for configuring the room's basic tax settings. Save the room settings by pressing the Save button after editing. By clicking Cancel, you will cancel the changes made. The tab contains a list of taxes. You can add new taxes by clicking the green plus icon, or delete taxes by clicking on the Red Bin icon. Taxes are added in addition to the booking amount. Each tax on the list has the following fields:
- Tax Type - Select the type of tax available on Airbnb.
Type of amount - type of tax calculation. There are 4 options:
- Percentage of booking - percentage of the booking amount.
- Guest fee - a fixed amount multiplied by the number of guests.
- Guest fee per day - a fixed amount multiplied by the number of guests and the number of nights.
- Fee per night - a fixed amount multiplied by the number of nights.
- Amount - depending on the type of amount, it is a percentage or a fixed amount in the currency of the room.
- Tax exemption after a certain number of days - an optional setting that, when enabled, requires a minimum number of days to be entered so that no tax will be added to the booking.
- Business tax identifier.
- Accommodation tax registration number.
Below the list of taxes, there are the conditions for adding taxes. If you have at least one tax added to the room, you must accept these terms by checking the box on the left of the text.