STEP 1. Verify if you are logged in to the same account on your mobile devices as you are on the Web application.
STEP 2. Verify which Premium package you have:
a) Web + Android
b) Web + iOS
c) Web + Android + iOS.
If you have an active "Web + Android" package, Premium access will not work on an iPhone/iPad.
If you have an active "Web + iOS" package, Premium access on your mobile phone/tablet will not work.
STEP 3. If the problem isn't a result of not having a Premium access for a given platform, then:
a) turn on your internet access (WIFI or data transmission on your mobile phone),
b) synchronize your mobile device.
If you have a monthly subscription (purchased on Google Play or App Store), you should carry out synchronization at least once a month to ensure that the application will be able to download information on renewing Premium access (for the following month). If you are not going to use a given device (mobile phone, tablet) for a longer period of time (or a device will not be connected to the internet), the application will not download information on renewing the Premium access despite the fact that your account is active (account charged).
Premium access still not work after synchronization?
1. Check if you have the latest version of the BedBooking mobile application (problems have occurred with Premium's performance on older versions of the mobile application):
iOS (iPhone, iPad)
2. If you have an version older than the latest version available in the store on your device:
a) download the latest version of the application,
b) synchronize the application.
Have you completed all of the suggested actions and your Premium access still doesn't work?
Send us an e-mail with the following information:
a) username (e-mail address) to your BedBooking account,
b) description of the platform on which your Premium access doesn't work.