The export includes:
- reservations starting today,
- reservations starting in the future.
The following reservations are not exported:
- reservations completed in the past,
- reservations currently on-going.
- downloaded by iCalendar (.ics) from external booking systems.
How does the reservation calendar export to OTA portals work?
The export enables sending reservations from BedBooking to OTA portals (via the Google Calendar application). The export consists of two stages:
Exporting reservations from BedBooking to Google Calendar.
On BedBooking, you connect rooms with the reservation calendar in the Google Calendar application. As a result, BedBooking exports reservations to the room calendar in the Google Calendar application.
Exporting reservations from the Google Calendar to a given OTA portal.
On OTA portals, you connect rooms with the reservation calendar in the Google Calendar application. As a result, BedBooking exports reservations to the room calendar in the Google Calendar application.
How can I verify the export operation?
1. Activate synchronization (5 steps of the iCalendar integration wizard).
2. Add a new reservation (in the room connected with Google Calendar) in the BedBooking reservation calendar.
3. Check if the reservation appears in the room calendar in Google calendar.
4. Next, check if the reservation appeared in the OTA portal.