How can I configure a default meal type in my reservations? - Web application
1. Select "Settings" from the menu.
2. From the "General" tab, find the "Board" item and choose the preferred type of board from the list.
3. Save changes.
How can I configure a default meal type in my reservations? - Android
1. Select "Settings" from the menu.
2. In the "Settings" window, click on "Service options".
3. In the dialogue window ("Service options"), select a default meal type.
How can I configure a default meal type in my reservations? - iOS
1. Select "Settings" from the menu.
2. From the "General" tab, find the "Board" item and choose the preferred type of board from the list.
3. Save changes.
* The type of board can be found in the reservation details. If you do not have this item in the booking details, follow the article - "How can I resolve a problem with missing fields on the form after installing the application?"