STEP 1. Verify if payment for your subscription has been charged. If your payment has been rejected, Premium access hasn't been purchased.
Payments are most often rejected on Google Play for the following reasons:
a) using a virtual credit card (such cards are currently not accepted by Google Play),
b) expired card information (in particular, the expiry date),
c) incorrect card information (in particular, incorrectly entered number),
d) incorrect security code (CVC).
e) billing information inconsistent with the information provided by your bank.
More information on rejected payments can be found on the Google support centre:
STEP 2. Synchronize your mobile application. If you have a monthly subscription (purchased on Google Play or App Store), you should carry out synchronization at least once a month to ensure that the application will be able to download information on renewing Premium access (for the following month). If you are not going to use a given device (mobile phone, tablet) for a longer period of time (or a device will not be connected to the internet), the application will not download information on renewing the Premium access despite the fact that your account is active (account charged).
STEP 3. Verify on the device you have purchased a Premium subscription if:
a) your BedBooking application is installed,
b) you synchronize your BedBooking application (at least once a month for monthly subscriptions or once a year for annual subscriptions).
If you have purchased on a device that:
a) you no longer use,
b) you don't already have the BedBooking application,
c) you don't synchronize the BedBooking application,
your subscription will not be renewed. This results from the fact that subscriptions are purchased through Google services. The BedBooking application must obtain information concerning the subscription renewal from Google and then forward it to the BedBooking server. If this does not occur, your Premium access will not work despite the fact that your account has been charged.
How can I resolve this problem?
Two solutions are possible:
1. Cancel your current subscription and purchase Premium access again on the device that you currently use (the one you are logged into your Google account). As a result, you will avoid the problem mentioned above (no Premium access despite your account being charged).
2. Cancel your current subscription and purchase one-time Premium access in BedBooking. As a result, you will bypass Google services (and all other related problems).
Do you have a problem on only one platform (Android, iOS) after purchasing Premium access?
Verify which platform you purchased Premium access for.
1. If you have purchased a Premium package for "Web + Android", Premium access will not work on iPhone/iPad.
2. If you have purchased a Premium package for "Web + iOS", Premium access will not work on mobile phones or tablets with an Android operating system.