How can I set the day and hour format?

1. Log in to:

2. Select the "Format day and hour" option.

The configuration of the day and hour format enables changes to be made to the way information is presented in:
- reservation form (on the Wed application),
- message templates (e-mail and SMS),
- documents (.pdf),
- widgets.

Available date formats:
1) yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 2019-03-31)
2) dd-MM-yyyy (e.g. 31-03-2019)
3) dd.MM.yyyy (e.g. 31.03.2019)
4) dd/MM/yyyy (e.g. 31/03/2019)
5) M/d/yyyy (e.g.3/31/2019)

"dd" or "d" refers to a day of the month (e.g. Monday)
"MM" or "M" refers to a month (e.g. March)
"yyyy" refers to a year (e.g. 2019)
"-" or "/" or "." is a separator

Available hour formats:
HH:mm (e.g. 08:48)
H:mm (e.g. 08:48 AM, PM)

"HH", is the hour according to the 24-hour clock
"H" is the hour according to the 12-hour clock (AM, PM)
"mm" are minutes

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