How can I obtain a corrective VAT invoice for a Premium purchase?

Corrective VAT invoices for a one-time purchase of Premium access to BedBooking
If you require a corrective VAT invoice for the purchase of Premium access, send us an e-mail with the following information:
1) the number of the invoice to be corrected (the number is found on the invoice and appears as: bb/xxx/xx/xxxx, np. bb/100/01/2019),
2) details concerning the information that requires correction.

Corrective VAT invoices for the purchase of Premium subscriptions from Google Play
In order to obtain a corrective VAT invoice for a subscription purchased on Google Play, please contact Google.

Corrective VAT invoices for the purchase of Premium subscriptions from the App Store
In order to obtain a corrective VAT invoice for a subscription purchased on the App Store, please contact Apple.

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