Is integration with available during the free trial period?
Yes. During the free test of the application, it is possible to integrate the BedBooking account with
More information on the differences between the Premium and free access accounts can be found here:
Is integration with iCalendar available during the free trial period?
Yes. It is time to check if BedBooking meets your expectations.
More information on the differences between the Premium and free access accounts can be found here:
Does BedBooking offer a free trial?
Yes. After creating an account, you receive 30 days of free access to BedBooking's full functionality Premium package. Once this period expires, your account will be switched to the free access option.
You can find more information on the differences between the Premium and free access accounts at:
Does using BedBooking require signing an agreement?
No. We don't require you to sign any agreement. As a result, at any time you can:
- create a new account on BedBooking
- stop using BedBooking
without any obligations.
Creating a new account requires accepting the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
What happens with my account after the 30-day trial period expires?
After the 30-day trial period expires, your account will be switched to the free access mode. This means that you will still be able to use BedBooking free of charge, but with limited functionality.
More information on the differences between the free access and Premium accounts can be found here:
Can I purchase the Premium package during the 30-day trial period?
Yes. Every one-time purchase extends the validity period of the Premium by the period purchased.
An example of a Premium purchase for the same platform:
1. Prior to purchasing, you have an active package expiring on 30 June 2019
2. You purchase the next package for 3 months
The validity date of the Premium package is extended to 30 September 2019.