1. From the main menu, select the Price list tab and then click on Configuration:
2. In the "Preferences" section:
a) enable the Choose if you want to set up the amount of local tax option:
b) set prices for a local tax (for adults and children):
- when it comes to children, please provide the age range (from 0 to 17 years). Multiple age ranges can be added, and prices will be calculated based on the set age range.
c) set from which day the local tax should be calculated.
- the tax will be calculated from the specified day, but for the entire stay.
If the tax is set for a minimum stay of 2 days, no tax amount will be added to reservations for a single day.
If the tax is set for a minimum stay of 2 days, the tax amount for both the first and second day of the stay will be added to reservations for two days.
d) save settings.
3. The local tax will be automatically added after clicking the 'Calculate Price' button:
a) To make this happen, you need to select Settings in the reservation form, then check the Local tax option:
4. You can also manually enter the local tax amount in the Local Tax field:
5. In the case of reservations coming from the Reservation system, the local tax will be displayed in the reservation form under the Local Tax field.
Do you want a local tax to be included in the price of stay?
1. Enable the "Included" option.
2. Save settings.
If you want to know how to retrieve information about local taxes from platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.com, check here: